أين سوريا كراك الحصن والجامع الأموي؟

588 0 آخر تحديث: 2021-12-25 10:03:34 تاريخ الإعلان: 2021-12-25 أبلغ عن مرجع ويب: 2827


Where is Syria, Krak des Chevaliers

Krak des Chevaliers, known in Arabic by Hisn al-Akrad, is a palace in Syria worked for the Emir of Aleppo in 1031 AD, which turned into the base camp of the renowned Crusader Knights Hospitallier during the twelfth and thirteenth hundreds of years

Maybe the best-safeguarded illustration of a Crusader fort in presence today, Krak des Chevaliers is a sensational illustration of archaic military engineering and resultantly was assigned a World Heritage site in 2006

Krak des Chevaliers history

Situated on a 650 meter-high regular fortress among Tartus and Tripoli, the palace was initially developed by the Emir of Aleppo in 1031 on the site of a previous post. Notwithstanding, later the Emir was crushed, the fortification was given by Raymond II of Tripoli to the Jerusalem-based Order of the Knights Hospitaller in 1144

The Hospitallers could appropriately operate the stronghold, giving helpful cover toward the eastern boondocks and keeping up with control of the space including the Muslim organization, the Assassins, who offered them yearly recognition. At its pinnacle, the palace held 2,000 individuals including infantry to hired fighters, with just 60 sibling knights

Worked to endure an attack for as long as 5 years, Krak des Chevaliers was thought of as essentially secure later the Hospitallers expanded the palace and gave it another external cautious divider. The fundamental walled in area was encircled by a fabricated canal, which was cut out of strong stone in a sensational illustration of Crusade-period designing

Caught by the Mameluke Sultan Baibars in 1271, Krak des Chevaliers was utilized as a base for Mameluke extension towards the finish of the thirteenth century. During the Ottoman period between the sixteenth and twentieth hundreds of years, the Krak des Chevaliers was directed by a superintendent and went about as the focal point of an expense area

Krak des Chevaliers today

Today, where is Syria there is town clled al-Husn encompasses the very much protected palace that is available to guests. Arranged near the line with Lebanon, Krak des Chevaliers gives a particularly full image of Crusader life for to those intrigued by the Crusades. Without charge, meander the tremendous palace as the breeze whips about you, high on the slope


About Umayyad Mosque

Otherwise called the Great Mosque of Damascus, the Umayyad Mosque where is  Syria isn't just one of the most established and biggest mosques on the planet, yet is the fourth holiest site in Islam. The mosque was based on top of a basilica to St John the Baptist later the Muslims took Damascus in 634 AD

A sixth century legend says the top of the holy person lives some place inside the mosque. On the off chance that you can't track down the relic when visiting, you can absolutely track

Down the catacomb of Saladin in a little nursery, close to the north divider


Umayyad Mosque history

In 661, the Islamic Caliphate went under the standard of the Umayyad administration, which picked Damascus to be the capital of the Muslim world. The 6th Umayyad caliph dispatched the development of a mosque on the site of the Byzantine church in 706 utilized by neighborhood Christians who had likewise constructed a Muslim petition room

The caliph al-Walid's new mosque totally annihilated the basilica, in spite of the fact that elements, for example, the curves were reused. When Christians disagreed, the Caliph allowed them access to the seized chapels in Damascus. The mosque was finished in 715, soon after al-Walid's demise and was committed to the incredible city where is Syria's heart.


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