أفضل المطاعم في مدينة مادبا

430 0 آخر تحديث: 2021-11-27 00:17:45 تاريخ الإعلان: 2021-11-27 أبلغ عن مرجع ويب: 2340


Madaba is found near Mount Nebo and the Baptism Site on the River Jordan. Home to the most seasoned guide of the Holy Land in presence, this is a position of strict significance, forever associated with the Christian confidence, and of immortal enticement for voyagers. Madaba is likewise home to some food and drink benefiting from your visit, we've really concentrated to concoct a few proposals.

Adonis Restaurant


Situated close to the Church of St. John the Baptist in the core of Madaba, Adonis Restaurant and Café is one choice that is more extraordinary for those looking for neighborhood food and diversion. This café is arranged inside an antiquated house, loaning it a rural climate. The food is both Middle Eastern and International, offering everything from fettuccini to shish tawouk. Adonis Restaurant and Café additionally serves a wide scope of liquor at low costs (by Jordanian guidelines).


Jaw zaman

Jaw Zaman lavishly merits its standing as probably Jordan's best café. Situated in the focal point of Madaba close to the Church of the Martyrs (Holy Land Mosaic), this little scene packs in the appeal . Frequently facilitating live exhibitions, it is as much referred to for its jazz music overall for the astonishing food. The food is generally privately roused and extraordinary consideration is taken to guarantee fixings are new. Bizarrely for Jordan, Jaw Zaman offers a scope of fish, of which the shrimp is an especially famous decision. About the long Christian history of the encompassing town, Jaw Zaman serves a wide scope of both drunkard and non-cocktails. Of these, i suggest encountering the neighborhood culture by examining the custom made wines


Aswar Madaba


Situated in the core of the city, Aswar Madaba is one more extraordinary choice for feasting in Madaba. While costs here are marginally higher than normal, the expense more than lines up with the food and mindful assistance. This is a bigger café, offering predominately Levantine food. Anticipate extraordinary servings of mixed greens, mezze, and dirt pot dishes close by Jordanian works of art like Mansaf. For dessert, i suggest attempting the Umm Ali Pudding. Aswar Madaba serves a scope of alcoholic and non-cocktails.


Road Monastery


Monastery Road is a café famous among local people. Taking its name not from the Beatles collection but rather from its focal area out prompting the St. John the Baptist Abbey, the menu here is shifted. Convent Road offers both Arabic and Western-propelled food, settling on it an optimal decision for bunches with blended preferences and inclinations. We suggest the pizza, chicken Musakhan and thyme and cheddar pie. Costs at Abbey Road are sensible, and on nights, there is regularly unrecorded music. This café serves both drunkard and non-cocktails


Haret jdodna


This is a unique spot in Madaba, as a very remarkable milestone as it is a café. Initially an antiquated house, it was modified by Ibrahim Jumean, Madaba's first civic chair. Somewhere in the range of 1905 and 2000, his family resided in the house, prior to changing over it into a social community. It's currently a desert spring inside the clamoring focus of Madaba, offering conventional food, normal amusement, and neighborhood creates. The menu is motivated by exemplary Levantine food with mezze and charcoal barbecue choices and while not the least expensive choice, it has character by the bucket load. Liquor is served here.

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