ماذا تفعل إذا كنت في حالة ضرب وهروب؟

1016 0 آخر تحديث: 2024-05-07 21:28:56 تاريخ الإعلان: 2021-07-01 أبلغ عن مرجع ويب: 1290


It's a well-known truth that abandoning the scene of an accident, or a "hit and run," as most of us call it, can result in serious consequences including criminal charges. Furthermore, leaving the site of an accident is a criminal crime that is penalized by law.

There are certain protocols to follow in Qatar when mishaps occur, as well as regulations governing if, for example, a person willfully flees after being engaged in an accident. According to a 2017 story by The Peninsula, a young guy was sentenced by the court for creating a traffic accident, injuring someone, and fleeing the scene. The court condemned the young guy in absentia to a QR 3,000 fine for causing unlawful injury and a QR 5,000 fine for fleeing the scene.

Prior to that year, Doha News reported that a man was convicted of killing a 4-year-old daughter while driving carelessly. He was sentenced to six months in prison and made to pay a fine of QR 40,000 for dangerous driving and fleeing the scene. He and his insurance company each paid QR 200,000 in blood money to the child's family.

The ILQ crew went to the Traffic Department Headquarters on Khalifa Street and asked around to better understand the laws and consequences for 'hit and run' accidents. We were unable to obtain information from the Traffic Awareness and Traffic Investigations department. Both ministries were unable to provide specific laws and sanctions in Qatar. We also emailed the Ministry of Interior about the situation, but they advised us to go directly to the Traffic Department Headquarters to obtain the information.

From various sources, we were able to learn the following concerning 'hit and run' incidents:

'Hit-and-run' accident procedures
A lengthy procedure must be followed in the case of a hit-and-run accident. This could take some time due to prospective investigations and a large number of verifications of film from CCTV cameras in the region of the accident.

As quickly as possible, go to the police station and report the accident. You can also report the event to the Metrash 2 website or mobile app service and fill out the necessary details for a police complaint.
If you choose to report the collision on Metrash 2, you must complete the following steps:
Take no more than four shots of each car, one of which should clearly show the license plate number.
Sign in to Metrash 2, then go to 'Traffic Services' and select the 'Road Accident Report' option.
Enter the following information for both vehicles: The license plate number, QID number, and mobile phone number.
Attach images of both vehicles and indicate your agreement with the data's veracity.
Submit the report to the police for an investigation.
If you choose to travel to the police station, you must complete the following procedures:
Prepare the following documents: a copy of the driver's license and proof of car ownership, an original copy of ID, and a valid letter from the company (if it's a company-owned car) indicating the date, location, damages, and the name of the driver, as well as a copy of the company's business registration.
At the station, a file folder will be created for you for record purposes, and you will be required to wait one week in case someone claims responsibility for the accident.
If the accident scene is equipped with CCTV cameras, the police will secure and examine the footage from the establishment's owner as part of their investigation.
Following the conclusion of the investigation, you will be given a police record saying that you can now fix your vehicle.
You will also receive an SMS (text message) alerting you to contact your insurance company.
The insurance company will then notify you of where you must bring the vehicle for repairs.
Nota bene: If the perpetrator is apprehended based on CCTV evidence, he or she must reimburse all losses sustained in the accident through their insurance. If there is no CCTV footage available in the vicinity to assist in identifying the offender, the traffic investigation service makes a decision and files the entire report.

Documents needed to file a complaint in a "hit and run" accident
Although there is no specific law or penalty for those who flee during an accident, victims can nevertheless file a complaint with the Traffic Department by bringing the following:

Possession of a driver's license and ownership of a car
An original copy of your identification.
A valid letter from the company (if the automobile is company-owned) confirming the date, location, damages, driver's identity, and a copy of the company's business registration.
Procedures for colliding with immobile objects

Accidents can happen everywhere, including well-lit areas and deserted side lanes. One example would be a tree limb falling on your windshield and breaking your bumper. Another example is when you're parked somewhere and your car gets a dent from falling debris or pebbles, especially if you're near a construction site. What would you do if anything like this happened to you? Simply follow these simple steps and you'll know exactly what to do.

Sign in to Metrash 2, go to 'Traffic Services,' and then to 'Road Accident Report.'
Where applicable, enter the license plate number, QID number, and cellphone number.

Attach images of your automobiles and agree to the veracity of the data.
Submit the report to the police for an inquiry into traffic violations.
When your car is ready for repair, the police will notify you.

Once you receive the police report, file a claim with your insurance company to begin repairing your car.
The insurance company will then notify you of where you must bring the vehicle for repairs.

Procedures for dealing with minor traffic accidents
Minor accidents involving two vehicles should be reported through the Metrash2 website or mobile app service. Follow the steps below to record the accident and obtain approval for car repair. Take no more than four shots of each car, one of which should clearly show the license plate number.

Remove your vehicle from the area of the collision and park it away from the road.
Check that your mobile's location service is turned on.
Sign in to Metrash 2, then go to 'Traffic Services' and select the 'Road Accident Report' option.

Enter the plate number, QID number, and cellphone number for both vehicles.
Attach images of both vehicles and indicate your agreement with the data's veracity.

* Submit the report to the police for an investigation.
You will receive a notification SMS (text message) requesting you to wait for another message to finish the operation.

* After traffic investigators have reviewed the accident images, SMS messages will be given to both parties with directions to go to the insurance company or approval for vehicle repair.


Note: If you are not at fault, the insurance of the other motorist with whom you were in an accident will cover the cost of repairing the vehicle. Determine whose insurance company insures the vehicle by visiting their office or calling your own insurance company to see if they are prepared to file the claim instead.


Emergency numbers in Qatar

Police: 999, (+974) 4489-0699 / (+974) 4489-0670
Ambulance: 999

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