حول تجديد جواز السفر في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

1067 0 آخر تحديث: 2021-12-08 10:44:52 تاريخ الإعلان: 2021-12-08 أبلغ عن مرجع ويب: 2548


How do you apply for a new passport?

UAE nationals can apply for another visa, restore or get a substitution for harmed or lost ones through a few channels. There are  General Directorates of Residence and Foreign Affairs / Citizenship (GDRFA)

    Candidates may likewise apply online through the eChannels Residency and Citizenship gateway Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs and Port Security

    Residents can restore their travel documents to a crisis room at  Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah  terminals. This assistance is accessible day after day

       Passport renewal at Abu Dhabi and Dubai air terminals

      Sharjah Airport Passport Renewal

    UAE government offices abroad


     Assuming residents harm or lose their visas abroad or then again, in the event that their travel papers have terminated while being abroad, they can contact the UAE consulate in the country they are in. Peruse more on identification benefits abroad


    Identifications for UAE infants


UAE infants are given international IDs as a component of 'Mabrouk Ma Yak' administration, which works with the issuance of all recognizable proof records for infant Emiratis. Find out more about the prerequisites for obtaining the administration 'Mabrouk Ma Yak'  

Legality of visas


Typically, the legitimacy of the identification is a long time from the date of issuance or until every one of its pages are completely utilized, whichever happens prior. After the visa's lapse, the candidate should apply for a passport renewal, as augmentation is unimaginable.

While applying for an identification, you are needed to submit

    Unique and a duplicate of the Emirates ID card

    Unique and a duplicate of the family book

    A new photograph

While applying for a passport renewal, the candidate should present his/her old identification notwithstanding the above archives

Who can apply for UAE visas

As per Dubai Government's site, the accompanying can apply for UAE visa

    UAE residents

    New conceived infants of UAE residents

   ( Spouse of unfamiliar ethnicity (by reliance


Travel administrations for UAE nationals


In the event of misfortune, burglary, harm or expiry of visa while abroad, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation can give a 'return report' or a crisis identification



Residents can enroll for Twajudi through MOFA's site or the UAEMOFA application for Android and iOS.

SMS on appearance

On showing up at their objective country, residents who pursued the Twajudi administration get an instant message on their enlisted UAE telephone numbers. The instant message contains telephone numbers to be reached if there should arise an occurrence of a crisis.

Crisis visa reestablishment in the UAE

Residents can reestablish their travel papers on a crisis premise at the Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi air terminals. This help is accessible all day, every day

Identification benefits abroad

Assuming residents harm or lose their visas abroad or then again, in case their international IDs have lapsed while being abroad, they can contact the UAE government office in the country they are in

The UAE's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation can give a 'return archive' or a crisis identification in such cases. The legitimacy of the visa is a half year from the date of issuance and it is substantial for entering the country

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