Looking for a job: Freelancer Distribution

341 0 Aktualisiert: 07/05/2024 21:28:56 Gelistet: 20/07/2021 Bericht WEB-ID: 971

Mohammed Ali Salman

Working as a Port Operations Assistant with Qatar Navigation, I served as a Port Operations Assistant. Besides coordinating with Doha Sea Port authorities, I also Worked

As a Fleet Technical Admin where I handled day-to-day requisitions for the Crew in Vessels.


While working as a Transport Supervisor/Manager with Agility Logistics/ Gulf Warehousing Company, I managed a major part in Distribution of Electronics, FMCG, Cosmetics, and Perfumery and prepared respective schedules for delivery vehicles, dispatched delivery vehicles, and follow up until the end of the day report to the customer. The position involved maintaining the fleet, the staff mainly Delivery Drivers and Assistants. Some of my duties included but were not limited to visiting outdoor sites Occasionally.


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