Looking for a job: Freelancer - Photographer

379 0 Aktualisiert: 07/05/2024 21:28:56 Gelistet: 07/07/2021 Bericht WEB-ID: 347


I believe that my accomplishments match your requirements and I will definitely be a productive asset for your organization.

I am a professional videographer with extensive experience in Photography, Videography, Video Editing and Videographic equipment.

Briefly, I have a 1 year working experience in Qatar. Worked as  Videographer, Video Editor, Photo Editor and certificate in Video Production, and have worked with a video camera, seemingly all my life.

I am very familiar with the various tools, systems, and software that come with the enhancement and best use of the video process; and have worked the last five years in freelance videography and editing for large-scale events, such as weddings, anniversaries, concert, functions and events.

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