التهاب السحايا

qa 335-lujain qa-g-335 أخبار  طبي أخبار في دولة قطر  #540 - 1  صورة


It is an inflammatory disease that affects the mucous membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, due to a bacterial or viral infection.
— It is an inflammation of the fluid and the membranes (meninges) surrounding the brain and spinal cord. There are different cases and types of inflammation, including serious ones, and those that can be controlled and treated.

Signs and symptoms of meningitis:

The headache...
General weakness.
Change in mental status
Nausea and vomiting
- sensitivity to light
- uncomfortable ·
Or difficulty waking up sensitivity.
Loss of appetite or thirst.
Skin rash (in some cases, as in meningococcal meningitis).

Treating meningitis:

In acute bacterial infection, intravenous antibiotics and sometimes corticosteroids are used.
This helps ensure recovery and reduces the risk of complications, such as brain swelling and seizures.
Depends on the type or combination of antibiotics
The type of bacteria that causes the infection.

2021-07-05 / طبي
354 0 آخر تحديث: 2024-05-07 21:28:56 تاريخ الإعلان: 2021-07-05 أبلغ عن

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