dubai hr jobs - Young man to work in HR

126 0 آخر تحديث: 2023-07-30 22:46:16 تاريخ الإعلان: 2023-07-30 أبلغ عن مرجع ويب: 1383


60 ريال قطري / في الساعة

وكالات التوظيف - التوظيف

I am a young man working in the field of HR

 I am looking for an opportunity within the options available from Dubai HR jobs

I have 6 years of experience working in this field

 I was the head of a department in a company

 My English is excellent

 I am good at working on Microsoft programs

Preparing work plans in the various departments

supervising the distribution of tasks in the correct manner

 selecting the appropriate employee for the job

following up the performance of each employee and conducting an annual evaluation

Search through the Adhunters website for a suitable remote job opportunity for me from Dubai HR jobs

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