Online jobs - an English teacher wants a job in Dubai

113 0 آخر تحديث: 2023-07-28 17:39:45 تاريخ الإعلان: 2023-07-28 أبلغ عن مرجع ويب: 1282

ند الشبا الثالثة , دبي

74 ريال قطري / في الساعة

التعليم والتدريب والمكتبة

I am an English teacher looking for a job in - online jobs -

I have 

a bachelor's degree.

a TESOL certificate (always required)

an advanced degree, like a MA in TESOL.

prior teaching experience.

I have many skills including:

Start With Phonemic Awareness.

Teach Sight Words.

Introduce Letter Sounds.

Teach Word Families.

Use Stories to Teach Reading.

Make Reading Fun with Games.

Encourage Kids to Read Independently.

Help Kids Understand What They Are Reading.

I hope I can find a suitable apportunity in - Online jobs - through the website ADHUNTERS

 I  want 75 AED in hour 

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