Online jobs - an English teacher looking for a job in UAE

106 0 آخر تحديث: 2023-07-28 17:33:04 تاريخ الإعلان: 2023-07-28 أبلغ عن مرجع ويب: 1281

وادي عبادلة , الفجيرة

74 ريال قطري / في الساعة

التعليم والتدريب والمكتبة

I am an amazing English teacher looking for a job in  - Online jobs - and I have been teaching English for the past few years.

I have many skills that I can use them in teaching students.

this skills including:

Give students opportunities to talk about their writing. ...

Encourage students to revise their work. ...

Explain thesis statements. ...

Stress clarity and specificity. ...

Explain the importance of grammar and sentence structure, as well as content.

I hope I can find a suitable apportunity in - online jobs - through the website ADHUNTERS and I want 75 AED in hour.

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