Companies in Sharjah-qualified makeup artist looking for job

132 0 آخر تحديث: 2023-08-05 18:55:42 تاريخ الإعلان: 2023-08-05 أبلغ عن مرجع ويب: 1663


50 ريال قطري / في الساعة

العناية الشخصية والخدمة

I am a skilled make-up professional with several certificates and I have no less than 4 years of experience. I am looking for a job in - companies in Sharjah -
Age 36 years
Certificate from the Institute of Skin Care and Beauty Arts in Beirut
Years of experience working with the most important celebrities
2 year experience working in a beauty salon

I offer skin care sessions according to advanced equipment
  Skillfully using modern equipment
Using the best types of makeup from international brands
Follow the customer's instructions and modify as desired
  An archive of all works can be selected from
Using masks extracted from natural materials
Relying on full hydration of the skin in all its layers

I hope to get a suitable opportunity to work within - companies in Sharjah - through the Adhunters website

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