Companies in Sharjah - a nurse looking for a suitable job

238 0 آخر تحديث: 2023-08-06 11:09:24 تاريخ الإعلان: 2023-08-06 أبلغ عن مرجع ويب: 1693


40 ريال قطري / في الساعة

الرعاية الصحية - ممارس وفني

I am a nurse, I enjoy a set of experiences that qualify me to apply to - companies in Sharjah - I have a good biography
Age 40 years old
  Certificate in nursing from Jordan University, jurisdiction off
Cardiovascular sessions
3 years experience in the women's department in the National Hospital
2 years experience within the ambulance department

Follow up pregnant women from entering the hospital to birth and exit
Auxiliary nurse in caesarean section
Opening the veins and installing the cataires
Installing serums and following up the times of medicines
Take care of newborns within the incubators
Caring for burn patients and putting the appropriate bandages
Kindness in dealing with patients
Become long working hours

I would like to have a good job within - companies in Sharjah - via the Adhunters website

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