属性在 美国

Sky Max Property



住宅 就绪物业 工作室 楼/楼 阁楼  出租 在 Al Thumama(多哈) , 多哈 #51648 - 1  image

686.50 美元 月刊

工作室 1 楼/楼 1 m² / 11 FT
阁楼 就绪物业
国家:  卡塔尔
地点:  Al Thumama(多哈) , 多哈

Rent 2500 - Fridge, bed, Split AC, tv, wifi modem with sim avilable can be recharged, gas stove, water filter (drinking water), cooking utensils, oven, mixi, etc - Rent to be paid first week of the month. Studio is Only for family or ladies.People willing to take for Short term n long term can contact on 77092200

广告 参考: 1 706 0 0 0