Ad Hunters 免费分类广告网站在 约旦

房地产 出售 在 约旦


达布克最豪华的别墅出售!赶快买最好的别墅,有5间卧室,5间浴室。 Umm Al-Ashbal 的 Dabouq 别墅以具有竞争力的价格使用,没有家具。内部面积950平方米,外部面积750平方米。它的特点是:一个非常独特的木制厨房,配备铝制和豪华的高光、地暖、安装式空调和用于...

房地产 出租 在 约旦


Shafa Badran 带家具的公寓出租,位于二楼,100 平方米的公寓,按月出租,家具齐全,配有豪华非常漂亮的家具,公寓包含两间大卧室和两间豪华浴室。 该公寓是沙法巴德兰最豪华的出租公寓之一,设备齐全,整个公寓均配备中央空调系统、加固的防震和隔音玻璃外...

汽车 出售 在 约旦

在约旦出售的汽车 - Audi rs5 2021 Jasmine Amman

在约旦出售的汽车- 奥迪RS5 。奥迪 RS 5.奥迪汽车在约旦出售,现在进入并浏览出售的数千辆汽车!汽车出售| 高分辨率照片| CLIPARTO奥迪 |约旦,安曼,2021 年的新车和二手车... 安曼 |茉莉花 |待售汽车... RS5 。新奥迪车型 2022 / 2021。RS5 。奥迪车。在约旦出售。 在约旦...

5/5 1

汽车 出租 在 约旦

梅赛德斯-奔驰 Jordan - 出租 S-Class 2021

梅赛德斯-梅赛德斯 S-Class 2021,豪华外观和更多动力(价格、规格和照片)。二手 Mercedes-Benz S Class 2021。Mercedes -Benz S 400汽车在约旦出租。获得最好的梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车。梅赛德斯 S 级S / 2021 。梅赛德斯汽车阿曼。梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车在约旦出租,数以千计的广告等...

5/5 1

市场 在 约旦

New Huawei watch with great technologies for sale!

In this ad, we offer you a Huawei watch with great specifications and a special price Huawei Watch Band 4 water resistant Equipped with an exercise program The Huawei watch is available in Amman at a price of 15 Jordanian dinars.

市场 在 约旦

New Huawei watch with amazing technologies for sale!

In this ad, we present to you a Huawei watch with great features and a sporty design Huawei Watch Band 4 touch screen water resistant You are measuring the pressure The Huawei watch is available in Zarqa at a price of 20 Jordanian dinars.

市场 在 约旦

Huawei watch light use for sale!

In this ad, we offer you a Huawei watch with great specifications and an acceptable price Huawei Watch GT 2nd Edition touch screen Heart rate measurement The Huawei watch is available in Amman at a price of 100 Jordanian dinars.

16/06/2022 luj472 luj472 安曼

工作 在 约旦

约旦的工作 - 法律和法律学士

约旦的工作 - 法律和法律学士我在一家律师事务所当了两年的案件律师,现在还在工作我的英语流利,并掌握了计算机和办公程序的工作我已准备好立即开始,并正在寻找合适的机会来利用我的实践经验和理论研究能够在压力下长时间工作我有出色的沟通技巧,我喜欢在友好、充满爱和积极的氛围中工作注意完善作品并以最佳照片呈现在约旦找工作

16/06/2022 luj472 luj472 安曼

工作 在 约旦

约旦的工作机会 - 拥有 8 年经验的律师

约旦的工作机会 - 拥有 8 年经验的律师我在律师事务所有8年的法律经验我有案件跟进计划和撰写诉讼、备忘录、上诉和警告的经验我之前在律师事务所和一家房地产公司的法律部门工作我有良好的沟通技巧,使我能够快速工作并完成所需的工作能够处理工作压力并执行所有任务在工作中正直诚实是我的座右铭请帮助我在约旦的工作机会中找到适合我的专家的工作

2021-12-31 p-466 uae 安曼

活动 在 约旦

Star Ragheb Alama on New Year's Eve at the Grand Hyatt!!

The countdown has begun!!! The artist Ragheb Alama will be at the Grand Hayat Hotel!! for one night only!! Have you booked your ticket?! New Year's Eve 12/31_ Don't miss your chance! A high-class concert, revived by the wonderful artist Ragheb Alama with his creative band!! Hurry up to book your ticket now!! The Grand Hyatt Hotel welcomes you... Ticket prices: VIP Card: 495$ VIP Card: 425$ Fluent first degree: 355$ Second Class Card: $285 Hurry up now!! For reservations and inquiries, visit the official Grand Hyatt Hotel website.

2021-12-31 p-466 uae 安曼

活动 在 约旦

Fares Karam and Myriam Fares concert at the Sheraton!!

The countdown has begun!!! Artists Fares Karam and Myriam Fares at the Sheraton Hotel on New Year's Eve!! for one night only!! Have you booked your ticket? New Year's Eve 12/31_ Don't miss your chance A high-class concert by Fares Karam and Myriam Fares!! Hurry up to book your ticket now!! And don't miss watching the New Year's Eve party like you've never seen it before!! Ticket prices: VIP Card: 495$ Fluent first degree: 354 $ Second Class Card: $283 hurry up now!! For reservations and inquiries, visit the official Sheraton Hotel website.

2021-12-06 p-466 uae 安曼

活动 在 约旦

Great Buffalo Bar & Restaurant Events!!

If you want to win the fight...Someone has to lose Who will be the winner?! But because we are Buffalo..everyone will win!! Contact us and confirm your reservation now before it's too late The most beautiful events that you will not find except here!! Prizes are: First place: He will return home with 200 Jordanian dinars!!! Second place: He will receive Buffalo gifts worth 35 Jordanian dinars!! Third place: will receive Buffalo gifts worth 25 Jordanian dinars!! Did you think we were done?! All winners will receive special T-shirts provided by sponsors of this event!! that's cool... So... do we agree??! Tickets are limited! For reservations, call: 065827572 See you all in Buffal...


  • 约旦
    阿曼最优惠的价格!达布克待售宽敞别墅 4,875,236.71 QAR 安曼 达布克最豪华的别墅出售!赶快买最好的别墅,有5间卧室,5间浴室。 Umm Al-Ashbal 的 Dabouq 别墅以具有竞争力的价格使用,没有家具。内部面积950平方米,外部面积750平方米。它的特点是:一个非常独特的木制厨房,配备铝制和豪华的高光、地暖、安装式空调和用于...
  • 约旦
    沙法巴德兰最豪华的公寓出租 2,052.73 QAR 月刊 安曼 Shafa Badran 带家具的公寓出租,位于二楼,100 平方米的公寓,按月出租,家具齐全,配有豪华非常漂亮的家具,公寓包含两间大卧室和两间豪华浴室。 该公寓是沙法巴德兰最豪华的出租公寓之一,设备齐全,整个公寓均配备中央空调系统、加固的防震和隔音玻璃外...
  • 约旦
    在约旦出售的汽车 - Audi rs5 2021 Jasmine Amman
    在约旦出售的汽车 - Audi rs5 2021 Jasmine Amman 186,285 QAR 安曼 在约旦出售的汽车- 奥迪RS5 。奥迪 RS 5.奥迪汽车在约旦出售,现在进入并浏览出售的数千辆汽车!汽车出售| 高分辨率照片| CLIPARTO奥迪 |约旦,安曼,2021 年的新车和二手车... 安曼 |茉莉花 |待售汽车... RS5 。新奥迪车型 2022 / 2021。RS5 。奥迪车。在约旦出售。 在约旦...
    5/5 1
  • 约旦
    梅赛德斯-奔驰 Jordan - 出租 S-Class 2021
    梅赛德斯-奔驰 Jordan - 出租 S-Class 2021 1,488 QAR 日常的 安曼 梅赛德斯-梅赛德斯 S-Class 2021,豪华外观和更多动力(价格、规格和照片)。二手 Mercedes-Benz S Class 2021。Mercedes -Benz S 400汽车在约旦出租。获得最好的梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车。梅赛德斯 S 级S / 2021 。梅赛德斯汽车阿曼。梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车在约旦出租,数以千计的广告等...
    5/5 1
  • 约旦的工作 - 法律和法律学士 16/06/2022 luj472 luj472 安曼
    约旦的工作 - 法律和法律学士
    约旦的工作 - 法律和法律学士 合法的 安曼 约旦的工作 - 法律和法律学士我在一家律师事务所当了两年的案件律师,现在还在工作我的英语流利,并掌握了计算机和办公程序的工作我已准备好立即开始,并正在寻找合适的机会来利用我的实践经验和理论研究能够在压力下长时间工作我有出色的沟通技巧,我喜欢在友好、充满爱和积极的氛围中工作注意完善作品并以最佳照片呈现在约旦找工作
  • 约旦的工作机会 - 拥有 8 年经验的律师 16/06/2022 luj472 luj472 安曼
    约旦的工作机会 - 拥有 8 年经验的律师
    约旦的工作机会 - 拥有 8 年经验的律师 合法的 安曼 约旦的工作机会 - 拥有 8 年经验的律师我在律师事务所有8年的法律经验我有案件跟进计划和撰写诉讼、备忘录、上诉和警告的经验我之前在律师事务所和一家房地产公司的法律部门工作我有良好的沟通技巧,使我能够快速工作并完成所需的工作能够处理工作压力并执行所有任务在工作中正直诚实是我的座右铭请帮助我在约旦的工作机会中找到适合我的专家的工作
  • 2021-12-31 p-466 uae
    Star Ragheb Alama on New Year's Eve at the Grand Hyatt!!
    Star Ragheb Alama on New Year's Eve at the Grand Hyatt!! 现在发生的事 安曼 The countdown has begun!!! The artist Ragheb Alama will be at the Grand Hayat Hotel!! for one night only!! Have you booked your ticket?! New Year's Eve 12/31_ Don't miss your chance! A high-class concert, revived by the wonderful artist Ragheb Alama with his creative band!! Hurry up to book your ticket now!! The Grand Hyatt Hotel welcomes you... Ticket prices: VIP Card: 495$ VIP Card: 425$ Fluent first degree: 355$ Second Class Card: $285 Hurry up now!! For reservations and inquiries, visit the official Grand Hyatt Hotel website.
  • 2021-12-31 p-466 uae
    Fares Karam and Myriam Fares concert at the Sheraton!!
    Fares Karam and Myriam Fares concert at the Sheraton!! 现在发生的事 安曼 The countdown has begun!!! Artists Fares Karam and Myriam Fares at the Sheraton Hotel on New Year's Eve!! for one night only!! Have you booked your ticket? New Year's Eve 12/31_ Don't miss your chance A high-class concert by Fares Karam and Myriam Fares!! Hurry up to book your ticket now!! And don't miss watching the New Year's Eve party like you've never seen it before!! Ticket prices: VIP Card: 495$ Fluent first degree: 354 $ Second Class Card: $283 hurry up now!! For reservations and inquiries, visit the official Sheraton Hotel website.
  • 约旦
    New Huawei watch with great technologies for sale!
    New Huawei watch with great technologies for sale! 77 QAR 安曼 In this ad, we offer you a Huawei watch with great specifications and a special price Huawei Watch Band 4 water resistant Equipped with an exercise program The Huawei watch is available in Amman at a price of 15 Jordanian dinars.
  • 约旦
    New Huawei watch with amazing technologies for sale!
    New Huawei watch with amazing technologies for sale! 103 QAR 安曼 In this ad, we present to you a Huawei watch with great features and a sporty design Huawei Watch Band 4 touch screen water resistant You are measuring the pressure The Huawei watch is available in Zarqa at a price of 20 Jordanian dinars.
