part time jobs abu dhabi - professional designer

267 0 Actualisé: 30/07/2023 23:06:12 Listé: 30/07/2023 rapport WEB ID: 1366

Abou Mreikhah , Abou Dabi

149 QAR / Par heure

Conception graphique

Graphic designer looking for hourly work within -part time jobs abu dhabi-

7 years of experience in graphic design

I have worked on several previous projects

I have sufficient experience working on Photoshop and Illustrator programs

In addition to motion graphics programs

I design logos and advertisements for international companies

I have the ability to create creative ideas

Skill and speed at work

Ability to deal with and solve difficulties

Speed ​​in completing the required

environmental designs

User interface designs

I want 150 dhs per hour

I hope to find a suitable opportunity in -part time jobs abu dhabi- through ADHUNTERS website

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