Apple Mac Book Pro 16 inch GFF Laptop for sale in Dubai

705 0 به روز شد: 08/11/2021 18:00:18 ذکر شده: 05/11/2021 گزارش شناسه وب: 146


9,916 QAR

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Find out about the best laptops for sale in Dubai in the UAE..

Apple Mac Book Pro 16 inch GFF laptop for sale in Dubai, the most important thing about it is ease of use, and we cannot forget how the Mac brand occupies a prominent position in the world of digital, this laptop is a suitable choice for all tastes, as well as its high memory.

Apple Mac Book Pro 16 inch GFF Laptop Specifications:

  • RAM: 4 GB.
  • Hard disk: TB1.49-1.
  • Processor: 2 GHz.

Price: 10000 AED.

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