Nail care, the maintenance of the fingernails and toenails, is important for health as well as cosmetic reasons. Good nail care can prevent fungus infections of the nail, painful ingrown fingernails and toenails, and infections of the skin in the hands and feet.
Nail care services
1. Should I make an appointment before coming to the nail spa?
Yes, we recommend that you make an appointment before coming to the spa. Making a prior appointment means that we will be able to prepare for your treatment and give you our best service. also save you time for you wouldn’t have to wait in the lobby for your turn. While we do accept walk-in customers, booking an appointment will make the whole procedure easy for you as well as us
2. I won’t be able to make for my appointment What should I do?
Sometimes you may not be able to keep your appointment. In such cases, we request you to inform us at least 24 hours in advance about your inability to attend. This will help us to assign your time slot to another customer. You can call us or send an email to inform about your absence
3. Can I bring my own nail tool kit to the nail salon?
Yes, today many people prefer bringing their own nail toolkit to the salon, however, we request you to ensure that your toolkit is sterilized and cleaning very well after the procedure
4. Can I use my phone during my nail salon appointment?
Using your phone might sound like an interesting idea to keep away boredom during your nail salon procedures
5. Can I bring food and beverages to the salon?
we prefer that you don’t bring food and drinks. However, if you do, kindly do not dirty the surroundings for the convenience of the other customers