سل العين

qa 335-lujain qa-g-335 أخبار  طبي أخبار في دولة قطر  #291 - 1  صورة

Eye tuberculosis
• Methods of infection:
This disease is considered rare, and it affects the eye in one of the following ways:
1- The bacillus enters through the sinuses and blood vessels.
2- The eye is directly exposed to tuberculosis bacteria (which is rare), when the conjunctiva and cornea are affected in the form of swellings that lead to blurred vision, and redness in the eye.
3- Infection of the lungs or skin with tuberculosis, then the eye becomes secondarily infected as a result of the activity of the immune system against tuberculosis bacteria, and the infection appears in the form of recurrent iris infections and the appearance of swellings on its surface.
1- Increased pressure in the eye.
2- Lack of clarity of vision.
3- Hypersensitivity to light.
4- Decreased range of vision.
5- Feeling of burning in the eyes.
6- Red eyes.
7- Swelling of the eyelids.
8- Headache.
• Treatment:
Although anti-tuberculosis drugs negatively affect the optic nerve, retina and color discrimination when used for a long period, they are a must for treatment. The most important treatment methods are:
1- Use of anti-tuberculosis drugs for a period of one to two years.
2- Use anti-inflammatories.
3- The use of cortisone derivatives to treat iritis.
4- Take vitamins that increase the activity of the immune system in the body.
• It is done through limited drops of saliva, which are transmitted when coughing or sneezing.
• Complications:
1- Severe visual impairment.
2- Cataracts (glaucoma).
3- Complete loss of vision in an advanced stage.
• protection:
1- The best way is to vaccinate against the disease.
2- Avoid using the tools of injured persons.


2021-06-18 / طبي
1000 0 آخر تحديث: 2023-11-04 11:48:44 تاريخ الإعلان: 2021-06-18 أبلغ عن

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