Companies in Sharjah - Babysitter looking for a good job

179 0 آخر تحديث: 2023-08-06 17:56:22 تاريخ الإعلان: 2023-08-06 أبلغ عن مرجع ويب: 1720


16 دولار أمريكي / في الساعة

غير ذلك

- I am an empowered babysitter specializing in children of young ages. I am looking for the best opportunity to work within - companies in Sharjah -
Age 31 years
She holds a bachelor's degree in kindergarten
Accredited certificate in psychology and the basics of dealing with children
4 years experience working in a nursery
2 years experience working in a children's entertainment center
Excellent English

Using the latest methods in dealing with children
The use of puppet theater in communicating important life values
Use methods of arranging food in forms that the child likes, so that he can eat useful foods
Follow the instructions of the parents and use the purposes of each child
Follow the most important methods of sterilization and hygiene
A full weekly report that reaches the parents includes food, behavior and games that the child has done

I am looking for the best opportunity to work within - companies in Sharjah - through Adhunters

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