Vacancies in Zarqa - excellent experience in the field of restaurants

Vacancies in Zarqa - excellent experience in the field of restaurants

I hold a diploma in tourism and hotels, department of kitchen + BA

Quality control specialist

I worked in the restaurant field for 9 years and I have excellent experience in management work because I worked for more than 8 years in restaurant management

I have extensive experience in the kitchen and its needs

I am knowledgeable and knowledgeable about financial matters and able to take responsibility and carry out all the tasks entrusted to me

I have excellent communication skills with clients, customers and employees and is able to create a comfortable and productive work environment

Looking for job vacancies in Zarqa

502 0 Updated: 07/05/2024 21:28:56 Listed: 25/06/2022 Report WEB ID: 9759

Catering-Food Services-Restaurants Hospitality and Tourism
Catering-Food Services-Restaurants
Hospitality and Tourism
Full time

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